The Region of Central Macedonia presents the Innovation Ecosystem ‘’One Stop Liaison Office’’ to businesses participating in a series of actions to foster innovative entrepreneurship. The aim is to develop the Region of Central Macedonia into the friendliest region in the country for innovation, entrepreneurship and investment, to which Alexander Innovation Zone’s action in Thessaloniki contributes. The dynamic presence of the Independent Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support of the Region of Central Macedonia was prominent in its participation in two more important actions for the promotion of innovation which took place in September 2019 in Thessaloniki.
The most emblematic action of the region’s innovation and entrepreneurship support mechanism is the One Stop Liaison Office. The purpose of this office is to play a key role in mediating between the market, research and public administration. In addition, it is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the interventions of the Smart Specialization Strategy in the Region of Central Macedonia. It is an intervention that aims and contributes to attracting investment, utilizing the knowledge generated, generating new income, creating new jobs and boosting entrepreneurship.
According to the Region of Central Macedonia, the driving force behind these developments has been the importance that the European Commission has attached to the digitization of the European industry over the last years. The Commission’s will is the cornerstone of the emergence of digital innovation hubs in one of the key tools of the new ‘’Digital Europe’’ funding programme which is to be launched in the new Programme Period, 2021-2027. This policy seeks to upgrade the quality of all services provided to the European citizen through digital transformation.