Alexander Innovation Zone keeps a record of email addresses in our data base for the sole purpose of informing you about our activities and to send relevant invitations and updates.

You have the right, at any time and without exception, to request information about your personal data; to learn who has access to that data; to correct, update or delete your data; to be informed about how your data is processed or shared; or for any other reason, by simply sending a message to the email address

In addition, with every message you receive from us from now on, you will have the option to Unsubscribe. By selecting this option, you will stop receiving any further communications from us.

Ιn the event that you exercise one of the aforementioned rights, we shall take every possible action to indulge your request within a reasonable time but not later than one (1) month from the identification of your submitted request, informing you in written, of your satisfaction or of the reasons obstructing the exercise of the right in question, and / or the indulgence of one or more of the above mentioned rights under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Further, if you believe that any of your rights regarding the protection of your personal data have been violated, you may submit a complaint to the relevant regulatory authority, namely the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (


Cookies Policy

During users’ navigation on this website, Alexander Innovation Zone may collect identification data of users, by using relevant technologies, such as cookies and/or Internet Protocol (IP) address monitoring. Cookies are small text segments that are sent to the browser by a website visited by the user.

The use of cookies helps the website to remember information about the user’s visit, such as your preferred language and your preferences, to make secure searches, to calculate the number of visitors, or to facilitate your
registration in our services.


How to control cookies

You may control and/or delete cookies as you wish. You may find more details at You may delete all cookies from your computer and, in most browsers, select settings that do not allow installation of cookies.

However, in that case, you may have to adjust certain preferences every time you visit a website. Users may make use of the website without problems even without use of cookies, but, potentially, to the detriment of its user-friendliness and of the functioning of certain of its services.

Any personal data collected via cookies that can be correlated to a specific visitor/user shall be processed exclusively for the purposes cited above.